Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Why not use audio in online courses?

Listen to the audio file

[Text Version] "I believe some instructors don't use
audio or sound files when they are
teaching an online course because...

1. Their teaching methods have never
included audio. Do not know how,
unaware that audio can be added.
2. Most are not willing to learn the
technology, they feel intimidated and
are uncomfortable with the technology
to begin with.
3. Time constraints, teaching online
requires more time than a seated class.
4. They may not be pleased when they
hear how they sound on an audio file. I
know I am not comfortable hearing my
recorded voice and would definitly shy

1 comment:

Unknown said...

great image for this post! I think item #2 is the biggest on our campus. We need to find a way to make it easier.